Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Create Time…..Be Different…..

“People don’t waste time. They just spend it on things they don’t need to do.”

Want to create a Time…???? Check out the following exercises…that will help you to Create Time…

“Manage your time as you manage your money.” These are great time management exercises to keep you fit for managing your time & will help you to ensure you are spending your time where you want to. I believe that you need to do use exercises such as these on a regular basis to ensure your time management fitness is where you want it to be, just like you need to do to maintain physical fitness. Try these and see how much you improve your time management….Be Different….

1. Estimate BEFORE you start how long a task will take (when finished) compare with the actual:-

“People can divide into three groups- those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who wonder what happened.”

The first of the time management exercises involves finding out how well you estimate the actual elapsed time a task will take. It is much easier to get control of your time when you are able to accurately estimate how long tasks will take. Most people never develop this time management skill. This activity is designed so you can find out how well you estimate the time a task will take and to help you improve your time estimation if needed. The basic activity is to pick a task (I suggest you start with a relatively small task that will take less than one hour). Estimate how long you think it will take to complete it. This is elapsed time, from when you start until you are finished. Then time yourself. Do the task. When finished see how much elapsed time you actually needed. Do this for 5 tasks over a week. When you get quite accurate with smaller tasks, try estimating a bigger task. You may need to plan this out and break it into blocks of time over several days. When you have completed this process for 10-15 tasks, take 15 minutes (away from your desk) to reflect on what you do differently to manage your time now that you are more accurate at estimating the time it takes to complete tasks.

2) Track your time:- Find out where you time really goes

“If I had 8 hours to chop a tree I would spend 6 hours sharpening my axe.”

Time tracking should be simple and only take a few minutes a day.

Step 1 -- Identify between 5 and 10 KEY categories for the activities you do. Write it in time wise description for each activities. Some examples are: Study, Classes, Collages, Job, meetings, email, paperwork, staff management, personal, planning, travel, interruptions. There will also be specific activities for your role. I suggest that Personal and Planning MUST be included.

Step 2 -- Analyze the information. Where is your time going? What patterns do you see? What are you avoiding? What have you already changed just by tracking your time? How much planning do you do?

Step 3 -- Decide on what you want to change, create a plan and take immediate action!

3) Connect your plan to your goals:-

“By working sincerely for eight hours a day, you can get promoted to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.”

This exercise involves reflecting on your daily, weekly, monthly plan and identifying which activates help you progress to achieving your monthly, quarterly, yearly and/or life goals. This highlights a few things.

Firstly, are you clear about your goals! Assuming that you are, then this exercise highlights if you have a day, a week or a month where you are doing very little to progress toward achieving your most important goals. Once you become aware of this you can change things.

Let me outline the steps for this time management activity.

1. Complete your plan as you usually do.

2. Change your mindset to 'big picture' Just look on the world map. Reflect on your plan overall, rather than focusing on the individual tasks. Now get out your written goals (by month, quarter, year or longer - whichever suits you) and read them.

3. Physically number your goals and then write the goal number next to the task that helps you achieve that goal. Reflect again on your plan. Is it a good plan for you?

4. Look at the plan again. Is there at least one task for each of your goals? Should there be? Are you tasks (and/or your goals) all in one area of your life, like maybe work?

5. Change your plan to connect the plan and the tasks to achieving your goals.

Best Luck…Be Different……SmileForever…..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 Exam Tips For Be Different......

Hummm.....Wondering how to appear for Professional exam...????????
Just Check out following 10 Fundas for Professional Exam That Will Make A Difference.......

1) First and foremost , make your answers look professional . Give a impression of what you are to write while answering the question .Communicate your knowledge of 6 months or more studies to the examiner in three hours.
2) Listen carefully what is requirement of question and your answer. To write down whole story about question is not needed.
3) Do not write filler sentences i.e. sentences Just to fill the page . Concentrate on the quality and not on the quantity what you write . Filler sentences do not fetch any marks .
4)Write down formulas, facts or other materials you know.
5)Make sure that your answers are represented by correct question numbers. Some students are known to make drastic mistakes in this regard.
6)The easiest strategy, is to start with the question with which you are most comfortable . This will give a sense of confidence . It will make a good first impression on the paper checker . Make sure that you get the best mark in it.
7)If you are stuck up in the middle of the answer due to temporary memory lapse, leave appropriate space blank and go on to the next question from the beginning of the next page . If during attempting next question or questions you remember some point relating to previous question, add the same to the previous question .
8)Write as much as possible on each question .Remembering that you will get marks only for what you write and not for what is in your head .
9)Keep an eye on the time allocated for each question. Write as clearly as possible , but without reducing your speed . All that is required in the answer is that it should be legible .
10)If you finish the paper early, use the time to edit your work . Also check that you have answered all the questions by circling the tick marks made by you in the question paper .

Best Luck....Be Different....Smile Forever........

Monday, July 12, 2010

Any Confusion???  Any Requirement???  Any Suggestions???         Any Feedback???
Just feel free to give your valuable Feed back for my blog on , .......
it will help me to become Be Different..........
Waiting for your response....Smile Forever.....Be Different.......  

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Suggested Answers....

Find all about your Previous Exam Papers with suggested answers of ICWA Exam on following address.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Speak Out..............

Want To Speak Out.........Try this.........Be Different....................

If you find that you're afraid of an approaching presentation, you are not by yourself. The fear of speaking in public is among the greatest fears for most people, but you can do something about it.

You hear again and again that practice makes perfect, and this also applies to speaking in public. Any kind of presentation, even when you talk to a group of friends and family, can make you feel like you are giving a formal presentation.

Here are a few actions to take to alleviate your fear of speaking in public:

1. Be prepared. In most speeches you can bring notes. Make certain you prepare your notes into a list of several key speaking points. If you are not able to use notes, make it a point to practice your presentation until you feel comfortable with the entire speech. You could be afraid, but being well prepared to give your speech can unquestionably counter this feeling and give you an edge of confidence.

2. Do not expect it to be perfect. It's essential not to expect perfectionism. As a matter of fact, chances are your audience does not expect it either. They understand that everyone has fears and everyone mistakes. They'll probably never notice if you skip a part of your presentation or fumble a bit, these are all normal human traits of nervousness and are to be expected.

3. Present to small groups. If you feel awkward talking to a large group, and most people do, then begin small. Present to small groups and invite feedback after the presentation. You can distribute a confidential evaluation, or you can simply ask audience what they thought about your presentation.

4. Have a alternative plan. It's wise to have a alternative plan in life and giving presentations is no exception. Think about what you should say if you get stuck in the middle of the presentation. If your mind goes blank, take a couple of deep breaths and begin your alternative plan. Usually you'll quickly find yourself right back on track.

5. Relax. It's crucial to get yourself into the right mind-set before you begin speaking. Consider beginning a ritual that relaxes you to keep your mind away from your fears. You could meditate or listen to calm music, whatever it is, just choose that helps you relax.

The Audience

The audience is the reason that you are afraid of making your presentation, but it helps to know that they are on your side. They are really rooting for you. Be confident and keep a positive mental attitude because chances are excellent that the audience wants you to do well in your presentation.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that even if you do mess up, it's not all doom and gloom. As long as you have prepared yourself and have a back up plan in place, you will be able to pick yourself up if you slip up anywhere in your presentation.

After your speech, take mental and physical notes and review how well you feel the presentation went. Write down your observations on what you did well as well as areas that need improvement.

As you continue to practice your presentation skills, you'll improve your skills and become more comfortable.....Smile Forever....Be Different.................

Manage Your Time.....

Tips to Manage Your Time Effectively
To Be Different Student......

Are You Overworked and Burned Out?

Do you agree that time is a very precious resource? It's like a gift.

But let me guess, you wish you have a lot more of this precious resource? You wish you can have more than 24 hours a day? You wonder how those super-achievers could get gazillion things done within the same 24 hours?

You're probably overworked, pressed down by countless errands, and struggling to keep your life in control. You could be a super-busy corporate executive, an exhausted stay-at-home mom or simply someone losing control of your time!

Most people want to manage their time better so they can do more of the things they enjoy. Like finally being able to attend your kid's baseball games, having an hour or two to scrapbook, taking time off to a vacation every now and then to really unwind...

Life is not about running mindlessly from one task to another or being messed up in unproductive activity. Is it? There's more to it.

Take a good 5 minutes to read this short article on time management and see how you can apply these practical tips and "get more hours" back into your life.


Time is the most powerful currency of the 21st century. And this powerful currency demands much of our attention. Unfortunately, most people never make use of this remarkable resource we have – our time. Here’s some tips to help you make the most of your time every single day:

1. Break down large tasks into smaller ones: We all know the feeling of staring at a new complicated project feeling overwhelmed and wishing we were anywhere but here. But, even complicated tasks are not impossible to handle. In fact, most tasks become unbelievably trivial once we break them down into small pieces. Get into the habit of breaking down your tasks into small ones and tackling each individual part one at a time. This will help you stay calm as well as it will help you accomplish your goals without the urge to procrastinate.

2. Get rid of unproductive routine tasks: This included getting up each morning and checking your email. Do not start your day on somebody else’s agenda. Get out there, take some time to focus on the goals for the day and then start working on them. Do routine tasks during slow times of the day. For example, check your emails right after lunch.

3. Look at your habits to see if they could be changed, maybe you could do certain things different ways and save yourself some time in the process.

4. Evaluate yourself to determine if you are a morning person or night person and organize tasks to use whatever time suits you best. I am usually the most productive at night or after 10 AM and that is exactly why I work on my most important goals during those hours. 2 hours of focused work is far more valuable than 10 hours of unfocused work.

5. Learn to say the word “no” : One of the biggest secrets of success is leadership. You need to be able to become a leader and say NO when someone asks you for a favor that can take considerable amount of highly productive time from you.

You need to be very cautious about where and how you spend your time. Time is the most precious resource you have and you need to stop wasting it and start treating it like gold.....Best Luck...Smile Forever.......